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Frequently Asked Questions

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Commission Splits & Fees

What is the split at eXp?

Every agent at eXp Realty has a split of 80/20 until the cap is met.

Is there a commission cap?

Yes, eXp agents cap when they pay $16,000 to the company. So if you earn $80,000+ in gross commission (GCI) you should reach your commission cap each year. Reduced caps are available for teams at eXp.

Do you have to pay multiple fees if you are licensed in several states?

No! Just $85 per month to our national brokerage.

Do agents pay E&O insurance?

Yes, it’s just $60 per sale until agent reaches the $750 annual cap.

How much are the royalty or franchise fees?

Zip. Zero. We are a nationally owned brokerage, so there are no franchises. This should save many agents thousands of dollars each year.

Agent Benefits

How is eXp Realty different from other brokerages?

Traditional real estate brokerages generally follow the same setup: Agents and staff work out of a brick-and-mortar office, commission structures are established and then agents are pretty much on their own. But eXp Realty takes a hugely different approach.

Are there really no brick and mortar offices?

We have the corporate headquarters in Bellingham, Washington, and a few brick and mortar offices in states that require a physical office. Other than that, eXp agents and brokers work from their home offices, remote office space or Regus Coworking Center. As a company, this saves a tremendous amount of money and eXp is able to share the savings with their agents through lower costs and the revenue sharing program. commission cap each year. Reduced caps are available for teams at eXp.

What if I need a physical office or meeting room on occasion?

eXp has it covered. Every agent receives a free membership to the Regus Business Lounges (a co-working center) so you can go in and work in between appointments or reserve a conference room for you and your clients. There are over 3,000 Regus co-working offices in the US, so there should be at least one that’s convenient for you!

How do a pick my sponsor at eXp?

Your sponsor is the person that introduced you to eXp Realty. If you spoke with multiple people before deciding to join eXp, you should name the sponsor that was the “procuring cause” or in other words, helped you say YES! to the brokerage. Also, you want to have a sponsor that is going to help you navigate the brokerage tools and technology and can guide you in the growth of your business — even if they are in another state!

If I’m returning to eXp, can a pick another sponsor?

If you leave the company for at least six months, you can select a different sponsor upon your return to eXp Realty.

If I need help with something, who do I call?

Here at eXp Realty, we have a unique way of making sure that agents have an abundance of resources when you need assistance. Your broker, sponsor and/or mentor can answer many of your questions, but you can also pop into the virtual office and visit the accounting department, technology team, and more. The virtual office is open about 10 to 12 hours a day so it’s super convenient for agents. You can also visit eXp Workplace and chat with your brokers, transaction team, accounting, stock services, and more.

Exploring More Opportunities

Explore why eXp is an ideal fit for agents, offering valuable stock opportunities.

About eXp Realty

Where is eXp Realty located?

We are now located in all 50 states, as well as Canada, Mexico, Australia, UK, France, South Africa, Portugal, and India. Contact eXp agent/owner Kerry Lucasse to see if eXp is located in your area (or if it’s coming soon!)

Who is the broker at eXp Realty?

Each state has at least one state broker. Some larger states also have regional compliance brokers to assist agents and review contracts.

How many real estate agents are with eXp Realty?

As of February 2021, we have over 40,000 agents at eXp. We are one of the fastest-growing real estate brokerages in the country, as more and more agents from across the world continue to flock to eXp Realty.

Is eXp a good fit for brand new agents?

Without a doubt. eXp offers the FastStart training program for new agents, as well as new agent masterminds, and 50+ hours of live training each week. Also, all new agents are paired with a local mentor that works with them on their first three transactions (and beyond if you’d like) for a small mentor fee. As a new agent at eXp, you have such a great support system with your broker, mentor, and sponsor and you always have someone to answer your questions and help get your business off the ground.

Can I pick my mentor?

All of the eXp Realty mentors go through an extensive certification process to make sure they are well-equipped to help new agents. After you join eXp, your broker will pair you with a local mentor. If you already have a certified eXp mentor in mind in the same geographical area, please let the broker know and they can make a match — assuming of course that the mentor has the bandwidth to work with a new mentee!

eXp Stock

Where is eXp stock traded?

eXp stock is traded on NASDAQ (ticker symbol: EXPI)

How can I buy EXPI Stock?

eXp Realty has a stock purchase plan that allows agents to take 5% of their commission checks and buy the stock at a 10% discount. If you’d like to buy stock on your own, you can set up a brokerage account – TD Ameritrade and E*Trade are popular options for many real estate agents, but there are many others so check with friends and family for recommendations to find the best stock brokerage account for your needs.

What kind of stock awards can agents receive at eXp Realty?

After you sell your first home, you are awarded stock in the company! Agents also receive stock awards when they hit their commission cap, introduce another agent to the company that closes a real estate transaction and/or become an eXp ICON. The best award is the ICON Agent stock award where top-producing agents receive up to $16,000 worth of stock every year that they receive the ICON award

When can I cash out on my eXp stock awards?

Most of the stock awards agents receive are vested after three (3) years. So if you received a stock award for hitting your commission cap in January of 2020, you could cash it out (or move to your personal brokerage account) in 2023.

Education & Training

What is the cloud campus or virtual office?

Agents at eXp have multiple options for training, but more than 60 hours of training occurs EVERY week in our virtual office, eXpWorld. You can log in from your phone or computer and use an avatar to walk around the campus and interact / learn with agents from around the country.

Do you have in-person meetings?

Absolutely! Each area has regular meetings, lunch and learns, CE classes, etc. If you need to occasionally use a physical office for training or meetings, eXp Realty has an agreement with Regus Business Centers to provide agents with free access to their facilities and discounts on spaces for private meetings and events.

Revenue Share FAQ's

What is Revenue Sharing?

Because eXp doesn’t have a lot of overhead – like the typical brokerage – they are able to share half of the 20% split with agents who help our company grow.

How much revenue share can agents earn?

For every real estate agent you personally introduce to eXp, you’ll receive up to $2,800 each year. If you have agents who introduce more agents, you’ll also earn a percentage of what they sell.

Do I have to recruit agents?

No, it’s completely up to you!

How is eXp revenue share calculated?

You receive a percentage of the gross commission generated by the agents you introduce to the company and any agents that are in your seven levels of your revenue share group. If one of your recruits sells a $500K home, you’ll make 3.5% of the $15,000 commission earned ($525).

How much revenue share can we earn?

You receive a percentage of the gross commission generated by the agents you introduce to the company and any agents that are in your seven levels of your revenue share group. If one of your recruits sells a $500K home, you’ll make 3.5% of the $15,000 commission earned ($525).

When do you receive revenue share?

On the 22nd of every month, you receive the revenue share generated the previous month. Example: The agents in your rev share group generated $50,000 in gross commission in January. You’ll receive a revenue share payment of about $1,750 ($50,000 x 3.5%) will arrive in your bank account on February 22.

How can you track your earnings?

eXp Realty created a system called Enterprise and it allows you to have a real-time view of all your earnings. You can see your sales data, stock awards, and revenue share for the upcoming month. Many agents check Enterprise every few days as they like to see how quickly their revenue share is growing and get an idea of what they will receive on the 22nd of the month.

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